Width Measuring Tables and Softwares


WALESCH Electronic GmbH
Gestenrietstrasse 2
CH-8307 Effretikon, Switzerland
Phone +41 52 343 80 80
Mail: rmul A und T dzovhxs+PUNKT+xs
Web: www.walesch.ch

Walesch Electronic GmbH - Width Measuring Tables and Softwares

Width Measuring Tables and Softwares

Width Measuring Tables and Softwares


DENDROTAB 2003 and T-Tools Win

For the measurement of the width of annual rings in drilling cores or tree slices.

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  • DENDROTAB 2003 and T-Tools Win


Tree-ring measurement requires great accuracy and reliability.

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  • LINTAB and TSAP-Win
WALESCH Electronic GmbH
Gestenrietstrasse 2
CH 8307 Effretikon
+41 52 343 80 80
rmul A und T dzovhxs+PUNKT+xs
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